Thursday 25 August 2011

Carmen Rampino, Lecce - Paper pulp or pure art?

Sorry for the long silence..but when I am on holiday it seems I keep forgetting my laptop at home.
I spent 4 beautiful days in Lecce, a city in the South of Italy in a region called Puglia.
Lecce is something like 820 km from my hometown, Bologna (which - strange enough- is almost the same distance between Bologna and Budapest :)
Lecce is a beautiful town, probably my favourite one in the south.
I have slept in a nice B&B in the city center and I spent my days with cousin, Sandra, exploring the surrounding areas - beaches and towns nearby.
Lecce is very famous for its shops selling paper pulp.  The golden age of this art was the second half of the nineteenth century, when many factories were set up  and many statues were created for processions, nativity scenes and holy patrons to donate to churches.
In Lecce I found a nice shop run by a lady, Carmen Rampino. The shop is very small but worth a visit (it is very close the Santa Croce Church). Carmen sells everything from necklaces to small statues...
Below some pics taken in the shop.

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