Saturday 10 March 2012

I am very proud to announce....The starting of Mirelle handmade bags collection

First came the blog..and with the blog the idea to make, to create something of my own.I first started with the idea of making shoes (without knowing where to start from). Then one day I opened an old wardrobe and found beautiful fabrics in it. The fabrics were a gift that my grandfather- a famous and skilled upholster- gave me before dying.
I was 2 years old when he died...and my parents had forgotten the wardrobe and the fabrics...until May last year when I discovered them just by chance...
And the combination of beautiful textiles from 1930, 1940 and 1950 and my own style have given birth to the bags you can see below.
Right now there are on sale at Blu, in via San Vitale 34, Bologna. I am very happy and proud they selected my bags and found them beautiful..a big thank you goes to Filippo and Sante...

I ll make definitely more bags in the future and post their pics on my blog and a website which is under construction right now.
If you are interested in seeing or buying the bags, pls contact me at
Every piece is unique (all the fabrics are unique) and handmade with love!

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